Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hamburger Buns???

It's Sunday evening. It has been a beautiful day here in Seattle......high 60's and SUNNY! I spent most of the day outside.......I met my neighbor for coffee and we sat by the water...drinking, talking and soaking in the sun. Later I went on a fabulous 2 hour walk. Once home I started to think about what I wanted to eat for dinner.......several options went through my head....all involving the grill....cuz hey let's be honest not sure when we are going to have another day like this one. So I finally decided on Turkey burgers and veggies. Off I go to the store......I grab my veggies......grab the turkey burgers...get sidetracked in the bakery at the yummy desserts......then last but certainly not least I go to get the hamburger buns......... I walk to wall that holds all the hamburger and hot dog buns.......and the whole thing is EMPTY. I must have stood there for a solid minute with my mouth open just staring. What?? There are NO BUNS at all?? How could this be? I mean.. 4 shelves...empty. Of course it is not the first time Safeway hasn't had I decide no biggie....I will drive over to Trader Joe's and grab them on my way home. So off I go to store #2.....I walk in go right to the bread aisle........and can't be.........there are NO HAMBURGER BUNS........ I start to look around as if maybe by some off chance they have a new home that nobody has informed me about....maybe they are on display somewhere........I look around........nope....nowhere.......I grab a bottle of 2 buck chuck( at this point I am thinking I will need this later) and head out to store # 3. Now there is a part of me that was ready to say forget it....I can eat a turkey patty with no bun......but I was intrigued by this. I went in to store # 3 walked quickly ( because by now obviously there is a huge need for hamburger buns) I mean a quick pace through the store could make the difference between getting some or not. I arrive at the bread and bun aisle........only one other person standing there( thank goodness!).... looking at a several very empty shelves.......but wait.......there are 5 hamburger bun packages left.......that's right ONLY 5. I grab the one closest to me and walk away just as quickly as I had arrived. Ahhhh......dinner is now complete.
Driving home it hit's a nice day......high 60's and SUNNY........OMG.......everybody in Seattle had the same idea I did.......Let's Grill!!........and apparently they did. To think that 3 grocery stores were sold out of hamburger buns is crazy......but I am not surprised. That is Seattle...a perfect example of what I love about this city. A nice day comes along and everybody takes advantage of the weather and makes the most of being outside. That includes grilling! :)


Carol Dunton said...

We never run out of buns in Phoenix.

Kiz said...

Hey there! I've been missing you! Our computer crashed several months ago and I lost all my bookmarks and email addresses. I just found you via the comment you made on Marlo's blog - Yeah! I guess I could have called you - but that would've been to easy. Glad your doing good - by the way - HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! I hope it was a good one!
XOXO - Kiz

Cheela said...

I'll have a bbq for you if you come to Arizona. Lots of buns here, so to speak!!!